The HOA related information on this page is provided as a courtesy and convenience to the Coral Bay community. The contact information for an HOA is not updated or maintained except by request from that individual HOA.
As mentioned elsewhere, the Homeowners’ Associations in Coral Bay are entirely independent of the Coral Bay CDD and none of the HOAs within Coral Bay own any common property. As a result, the primary responsibility of each HOA in Coral Bay is to enforce that HOA’s governing documents, and thus maintain a quality environment that protects the property values of all owners.
Those governing documents address the aesthetic and architectural appearance of the community. To fulfill these responsibilities, each HOA is overseen by a 5-member Board of Directors, that are owner-residents, and are elected / reappointed annually at a special annual meeting of that HOA’s members. Each HOA Board is supported by its own HOA management company that provides day-to-day management and support to address all HOA-related requests. HOA related matters include, but are not limited to:
Requests for copies of HOA documents or forms
Inquiries about HOA violations
Inquiries about or payment of HOA maintenance fees
Architectural approvals
Estoppel requests
Contact information for each of Coral Bay’s HOAs is as follows:
Fay’s Cove
Meets the first Monday of February, April, June, August, October, and December at 6:30 PM
Loyalty Management Group
8211 W Broward Blvd, Suite 110
Plantation, FL 33324
Website: www.loyaltymgmtgroup.com
Telephone: (954) 363-1824
Property Manager: Melissa Wendorf, LCAM, CMCA
Email: mwendorf@loyaltymgmtgroup.com
Telephone: (954) 320-6916
Indian Key
Meets the second Monday of each month, except December, at 7:00 PM in the clubhouse
Management Company and Contact: J & L Property Management
10191 West Sample Road, Suite #203
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Telephone: (954) 753-7966
Property Manager: Jim Caldarazzo
Email: Jim@JLPropertyMgmt.com
Telephone: (954) 753-7966 Ext. 102
Assistant: LoriC@JLPropertyMgmt.com
Telephone: (954) 753-7966 Ext. 121
For more information, visit Indian Key HOA’s website
Meets the third Monday of each month at 7:30 PM
Management Company and Contact: J & L Property Management
10191 West Sample Road, Suite #203
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Telephone: (954) 753-7966
Property Manager: Jim Caldarazzo
Email: Jim@JLPropertyMgmt.com
Telephone: (954) 753-7966 Ext. 102
Assistant: LoriC@JLPropertyMgmt.com
Telephone: (954) 753-7966 Ext. 121
Las Brisas
Meets the second Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November at 7:00 PM
Management Company and Contact Alliance Property Systems
8751 W Broward Blvd, Suite 400
Plantation, FL 33324
Telephone: (954) 473-4733
Property Manager: Kelly Haase
Email: KHaas@allpropsys.net
Telephone: (954) 473-4733 Ext. 3090
Las Brisas Del Mar
Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month with times to be announced.
Management Company and Contact: Grant Property Management
1599 NW 9th Ave
Boca Raton, FL 33486
Telephone: (561) 417-4100
Property Manager: Michelle Prezeau
Email: mprezeau@grantmgmt.com
Telephone: (561) 417-4100 Ext. 326
Mallory Harbor (Note: This includes Mallory Harbor East)
Meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM
Management Company and Contact: Florida Skyline Management at (954) 806-6393
Website: www.floridaskylinemanagement.com
Email: info@floridaskylinemanagement.com
Contact: Karla Ramirez
Port Antigua
Meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM
Management Company and Contact: GRS Community Management
3900 Woodlake Blvd, #309
Lake Worth, FL 33463
Telephone: (954) 753-7966
Property Manager: Harshin Agravat
GRS has a Resident Services and Accounting Telephone support team to best serve our HOA owners and residents, Their contact information is:
Telephone: (561) 641-8554
Email: residentservices@grsmgt.com
For more information, visit Port Antigua HOA’s website
The Cape
Meets quarterly on the second Wednesday in January, April, July and October at 7:00 PM
For “special meetings” outside of these dates, a notification will be sent to all homeowners.
Management Company and Contact Alliance Property Systems
8751 W Broward Blvd, Suite 400
Plantation, FL 33324
Telephone: (954) 473-4733
Property Manager: Jason Hoffman
Email: JHoffman@allpropsys.net
Telephone: (954) 473-4733 Ext. 2