Welcome to CoralBayCDD.com, the official website of the Coral Bay Community Development District (CDD), that serves as a means to inform and communicate with current and future residents.
About This Website
The following is a brief explanation of the pages on this web site
- This Home page explains how the website is organized, how to save information, and who to contact if you are having problems with the website.
- The About Coral Bay page explains what a Community Development District (CDD) is, where the CDD is located, and what the overall responsibilities are of the CDD and the Homeowner Associations (HOA’s) within it. Also importantly, this page contains a section entitled “Legal Requirements for a CDD’s Website”. Florida State Statute 189-069 requires all Special Districts to have a web site and also specifies the minimum required information. This section of the page centralizes those requirements.
- The CDD Rules page contains the most recent set of CDD Board-approved rules affecting both CDD procedures, facilities and property. It includes the most frequently asked-about items including parking on CDD property, the lake, the shoreline, the parks and pools, and the Clubhouse. Please note that each of the CDD’s eight (8) HOAs have their own set of governing documents, including their own set of rules and regulations. To obtain the documents for a specific HOA, please visit the HOAs page for HOA contact information.
- The Contacts page, as the name implies, contains contact information for a variety of entities. specifically:
- CDD Management, the main contact for inquiries and correspondence,
- the CDD Board members,
- other District Officials listed for information only,
- Envera Systems, the gate company,
- Republic Services, the trash collection company,
- Emergency Towing Inc., the towing company,
- Broward County Water Management.
- The Meeting Calendar page provides the meeting schedule for the Coral Bay Board of Supervisors for the current calendar year. The meeting is normally held on the on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Recreation Center Meeting room at 3101 S. Bay Dr., Margate, FL 33063 and may also be attended remotely via Zoom.
- The Agendas page provides both the Agenda Packet for the upcoming meeting and previous agendas for historical reference. The new agenda is posted at least one week before the upcoming meeting. The link for remote meeting attendance is also repeated here.
- The Minutes page provides the Board-approved minutes of the previously held meetings for keeping up-to date and for historical reference.
- The Budget page provides the Board-approved budget for the current fiscal year. Previous years’ budgets are also provided here for historical reference.
- The Gate Info page contains information about the system and the gate management company, as well as the Owner /Tenant Gate Registration form for purchasing, registering and activating a transponder.
- The Forms page contains three forms: (1) the Permit Application, for work that requires CDD-Board approval, (2) the Clubhouse Rental Agreement for having an event at the Clubhouse, and (3) the Owner /Tenant Gate Registration form for purchasing, registering and activating an Envera gate transponder.
- The News page contains items that merit additional mention.
- The Gallery page contains photos of Coral Bay for your viewing pleasure.
- The HOAs page contains the contact information for the specific management company for each of the eight HOAs.
Saving Items from This Website
All of the forms and documents on this site are available for printing and/or downloading and saving. None of the forms may be filled out on-line; they all need to be printed and completed by hand for submission. Note that while all of the forms and documents may be downloaded and/or printed and saved, you should always check to ensure that your saved copy is the most recent version so that you have the most recent version.
The formats of the form files and document files on this website are PDF or RTF. When clicked to open, the specific file opens in a separate tab in your browser, where you can print and/or download it to your computer. The PDF files require the use of a third-party program such as Adobe Acrobat Reader® to view. If you want to use Adobe Acrobat and you do not already have it, you can download it from Adobe.com. The RTF files must be opened in an external program such as Microsoft WORD.
Accessibility of Information
The District has taken numerous steps to ensure that this website is accessible to those with disabilities, based on the standards in the American Disabilities Act (ADA) as they apply to local government websites and website accessibility under Title II of the ADA. This website has been constructed to be compliant with those standards. Should you encounter any issue on our site, please contact the management company using one of the CDD Management emails at the beginning of the Contacts page. Please state the problem you are having, be specific, and your preferred way for us to contact you. If you prefer, you may use the phone numbers also listed as that Contacts page.